Plants are ideal organisms in the studying of cell functions and organization. In comparison to an animal model, plants are easy to growth and manipulate. They are more convenient to study complex processes than immortal cell lines since the whole plant can be used and therefore gives a more realistic view of the entire organism. Plants are used as models for cell biology studies in food industry, pharma, agro-industry and energy fields.
Plants have abundant autofluorescent molecules which are often used for imaging studies. The two most studied molecules are chlorophyll and lignin. At the supra-cellular level, the selective accumulation of autofluorescent molecules in tissues and structures from plants supply an advantage for morphological studies and phenotyping procedures. Looking at the plant fluorescence profiling it is possible to define secondary-metabolite concentration, to follow plant stress following chemical treatment and to follow plant-pathogen interactions.
The InnoQuant scanner will help you with your large-scale tissue section studies: its ability to scan the whole slide allows you to study samples at a time. Using the InnoQuant scanner the exploitation of plant’s natural fluorescence makes it possible to highlight the incredible plant cell anatomy in an easy and automated process.