Mapix - Microarray image acquisition and analysis software
Scanner management
Compatible with a broad range of microarrays
Optimized performance for all image size
Highly interactive commands
Image visualisation in real-time
Image Analysis
Barcode reader
Accurate control of acquired images
Scanner supplied with a validation slide which verifies scanner performance
Effective spot localization and grid alignment
Automatic spot segmentation
Lowess smoothing and global date normalization algorithms

- Manual
- Automatic
- Dynamic Extension
- Content Based Focus

Mapix Update
- Upgrades continuously available by internet

- Automatique searches for grid, blocks and spots : circular, square and rectangular shapes
- Automatic segmentation of spots
- Gal file importation and creation
- Local or global background noise measurement

- Integrate specific user applications

- Results in tabbed text format (TXT) and GPR
- Quality control with spot marking
- Normalization algorithms